In January 2019 TEK-Consulting signed an Agreement with the branch of JSC “Concern RosenergoAtom” Leningradskaya NPP” for the manufacture and supply Pipe plugs to the SHADR32M building in amount of 1161 pcs.
These Plugs are used during the cooling-down period of the reactor plant, for the duration of the repair work.
Plugs consists of 19 different elements, including steel 3, 12X18H10T, rubber, and bronze.
During the assembly was used arc welding tungsten electrode in the inert gas environment (TIG). For each stub was necessary to weld 5 seams, welders of TEK-Consulting produced more than 8300 austenitic welds for the entire volume of products in total.
The manufacturing cycle also includes:
manufacturing and testing of a prototype, production of the entire list of components, heat treatment of rings, production of rubber seals in the amount of 4983 pieces, application galvanic covers on nuts, assembly, branding and engraving required technical specification. Manufacturing of Plugs produced in strict accordance with technical requirements and according to the drawings provided by the Customer.
After producing, all 1661 plugs were packed into a special stackable container with carrying capacity 1000 kg, ensuring product safety during transportation and further storage inter-exploitation period.
Together with the Products, all technical documents required under the Agreement were transferred to the Customer.
Manufacturing and delivery were carried out within the agreed terms. Incoming control and acceptance of products were successfully passed at the Customer's territory. Products meet all the requirements for quality and completeness.
Amount of delivered equipment – 8 boxes.
Net weight: 6311 kg.
Gross: 7111 kg.
Pipe plugs manufacturing and supplying for the Leningrad NPP SHADR-32M building.
"TEK-Consulting" has produced and supplied Pipe Plugs for the SHADR-32M building in the amount of 1661 pcs. for the needs of the branch of JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom" "Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant".
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27 Мая 2019
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