Description of work:
• Removing the covers.
• Welding works
• Preparation of the welded joint for inspection, including the elimination of defects in the factory seam.
• Weld seam inspection.
• Installation of the cover using a crane with a lifting capacity of 120 and 50 tons.
• Tightening the bolts of the covers with control of the tightening torque of the bolts.
The work was carried out in accordance with the customer's specification according to the welding flow chart agreed with the foreign equipment manufacturer, as well as in compliance with all requirements in the field of industrial, environmental safety, labor protection on the territory of the JSC "Gazpromneft – Omsk Oil Ferinery".
Welding and assembly of 9 flotation units on the territory of JSC «Gazpromneft - Omsk Oil Ferinery»
Welding and assembly of 9 flotation units on the territory of JSC «Gazpromneft - Omsk Oil Ferinery»
Execution period: November - February 2020-2021
TEK-Consulting specialists have successfully completed welding and assembly of 9 flotation units on the territory of JSC «Gazpromneft - Omsk Oil Refinery»
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